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ZAPRASZAMY NA NOWĄ EDYCJĘ szkolenia: Akupunktura, ziołolecznictwo, dietetyka, masaż stóp On Zon Su. Szkoła Tradycyjnej Medycyny Chińskiej - Literatura Lada_Malinakova.jpgPodstawowy kurs masażu stóp On Zon Su 按踵術 - starożytna chińska refleksologia stóp. Kurs dziewięcioczęściowy. Warszawa, XI 2024 - VI 2025 roku. Prowadzi Lada Malinakova. Informacje i  zapisy: Lada Malinakova, Marian Nosal, komórka: 571245333; stacjonarny: 224785715, więcej…
Lada MalinakovaDao ĆWICZENIA ONLINE: Qigong Jadeitowej Księżniczki ONLINE, ćwiczenia dla zdrowia i  witalności. Środy i  piątki 7:45-9:15  - Warszawa, i  Internet cały. Prowadzi Lada Maliňáková-Nosal, więcej…
Lada MalinakovaMedycyna ĆWICZENIA ZDROWOTNE: Zajęcia ONLINE Qigong oraz Tai Chi, styl Chang San Feng we wtorki 19:00 i  czwartki 19:30 Warszawa, i  Internet cały. Prowadzi Lada Maliňáková-Nosal, więcej…

Tradycyjna Chińska Medycyna - polecana literatura

·O spisie literatury poświęconej chińskiej medycynie
·Wzorcowy opis książki
·[1] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1991, The Heart
·[2] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1992, Heart Master & Triple Heater
·[3] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1987, The Kidneys
·[4] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1999, The Liver
·[5] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2001, The Lung
·[6] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2004, Spleen and Stomach
·[7] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1994. Way of Heaven: Su Wen 1, 2
·[9] - Angela Drees, 2010, Odchudzanie według chińskiej nauki o żywieniu
·[10] - Krystyna Alagor, 2000, Medycyna chińska (mechanizm otyłości)
·[11] - Jana Arcimovičová, 2004, Čínská medicína pod pokličkou
·[12] - Manuela Heider de Jahnsen, 2009, Čínská medicína prevence a léčení stravou
·[13] - G. Guillame, Mach-Chieu, J.M. Eysallet, 1995, Medycyna Chińska
·[14] - Joerg Kastner, 2009, Chinese Nutrition Therapy: Dietetics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
·[15] - Bob Flaws, Honora Wolf, 1985, Prince Wen Hui's Cook: Chinese Dietary Therapy
·[16] - Bob Flaws, 1999, The Tao of Healthy Eating: Dietary Wisdom According to Traditional Chinese Medicine
·[17] - Claude Diolosa, Marek Kalmus, 1990, Chiny, kuchnia... tajemnice medycyny
·[18] - Paul Pitchford, 2008, Odżywianie dla zdrowia
·[19] - Maoshing Ni, Cathy McNease, 1999, Tao Żywienia
·[20] - Liu Jilin, Gordon Peck, 1995, Chinese Dietary Therapy
·[21] - Barbara Temelie, Beatrice Trebuth, 2005, Odżywianie według Pięciu Przemian
·[22] - Barbara Temelie, Beatrice Trebuth, 2005, Gotowanie według Pięciu Przemian
·[23] - Barbara Temelie, Beatrice Trebuth. 2005, Odżywianie według Pięciu Przemian dla matki i dziecka
·[24] - Karola Schneider-Waldner, 2005, Zupy wzmacniające według Pięciu Przemian
·[25] - Ewa Dobek, 2010, 5 Przemian w kuchni i w życiu. Radość gotowania - kosmetyki domowej roboty
·[26] - Barbara Kuligowska-Dudek, 2010, Dieta długowieczności. Gotowanie według pięciu przemian
·[31] - Dan Bensky, Steven Clavey, Erich Stoger, 2004, Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica
·[32] - Eric Brand, Nigel Wiseman, 2008, Concise Chinese Materia Medica
·[33] - Jeremy Ross, 2010, A Clinical Materia Medica. 120 Herbs in Western Use
·[34] - Jeremy Ross, 2003, Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine
·[35] - Zhu Liu, Zhu Zhong-bao, 2006, Chinese Herbal Legends 50 stories
·[36] - Xu Li, 2002, Chinese Materia Medica, Combinations and Applications
·[39] - Li Shi Zhen, Xi Wen Luo, 2004, Compendium of Materia Medica (BenCao GangMu). Six Vol. Set
·[40] - Yifan Yang MD, 2002, Chinese Herbal Medicines: Comparisons & Characteristics
·[41] - 1998, Chinese Materia Medica
·[42] - Li Xing-guang, Lara Deasy, 2010, Chinese Materia Medica Flash Cards
·[43] - John Chen, Tina Chen, 2004, Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology
·[44] - Michael Tierra, Leslie Tierra, 1998, Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine (Two Volume Set)
·[45] - C. Song Yu, Li Fei, 1993, Clinical Guide to Chinese Herbs & Formulae
·[46] - Yan Wen-mei, Li Fang-yao, 2006, Clinical Guide to Identifying Chinese Medicinal Herbs
·[47] - Dafang Zeng, 2003, Essentials of Chinese Medicine:Materia Medica
·[48] - Him Che-Yeung, 1983, Handbook of Chinese Herbs, Vol. 1
·[49] - Qian Xin-Zhong, 2008, Illustrated Atlas of the Commonly Used Chinese Materia Medica
·[50] - Jing-Nuan Wu, 2002, Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica
·[51] - Yen Kun-Ying, 1993, Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica: Crude & Prepared Drugs
·[52] - Mark Wright, 2004, Introduction to Chinese Herbal Medicine ( Chinese Umbeliferae)
·[53] - Peter Holmes, 1997, Jade Remedies: Chinese Herbal Reference for the West (Vol 1 & 2)
·[54] - Carl Hempen, 2009, Materia Medica For Chinese Medicine
·[55] - Zong Lan Xu, 2000, Pocket Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine
·[60] - Peter Deadman, Mazin Al-Khafaji, Kevin Baker, 2007, A Manual of Acupuncture
·[61] - Andrew Ellis, Nigel Wiseman, 2004, Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture
·[62] - Andrew Ellis, Nigel Wiseman, 1989, Grasping the Wind, the Meaning of Chinese Acupuncture points
·[63] - Carl Hempen, V. Wortman Chow, 2006, Pocket Atlas of Acupuncture
·[64] - Bob Flaws, 1990, Sticking to the point
·[65] - Julian Scott, 2005, Acupuncture for the Eyes
·[66] - Jeremy Ross, 1995, Acupuncture Point Combinations: The Key to Clinical Success
·[67] - Arnie Lade, 1989, Acupuncture Points:Images & Functions
·[68] - Jason Robertson, 2008, Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine: Wang Ju-Yi’s Lectures on Channel Therapeutics
·[69] - Skya Gardner-Abbate, 1996, Holding the Tiger's Tail: An Acupuncture Techniques Manual in the Treatment of Disease.
·[101] - Volker Scheid, Dan Bensky, Andrew Ellis, Randall Barolet, 2009, Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies
·[102] - John Chen, Tina Chen, 2008, Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications
·[103] - Yifan Young, 2010, Chinese Herbal Formulas: Treatment Principles and Composition Strategies
·[104] - Zheng Wei-da, 2010, Clinical Applications of Eight Essential Classical Formulae
·[105] - Hong-Yen Hsu, Chau-Shin Hsu, 1980, Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas. Two volume set.
·[106] - Hong Yen Hsu, 1997, Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas: Companion Handbook
·[107] - Philippe Sionneau, Bernard Cote, 1997, Dui Yao: The Art of Combining Chinese Medicinals
·[108] - Daniel Weber, Wang Jing, 2009, Dui Yao: The Art of Formula Construction
·[109] - Zhanwen Liu, Jiang Yunan, 1998, Formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine
·[110] - Andrew Ellis, 2003, Notes from South Mountain: A Guide to Concentrated Herb Granules
·[111] - Zong Lan Xu, 2001, Pocket Handbook of Chinese Herbal Prescriptions
·[112] - Bob Flaws, 1997, 70 Essential TCM Formulas for Beginners ( How to Write Prescriptions)
·[121] - Dagmar Elhing, 2002, Chinese Herbalist's Handbook
·[122] - Liu Ganzhong, 2003, Essentials of Traditional Herbal Medicine
·[130] - Anna Czelej, 2010, Magia Zmian. Harmonia w życiu według chińskiej filozofii przyrody i Ksiegi Przemian
·[131] - Jake Fratkin, 2001, Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines. A Clinical Desk Reference
·[132] - Ke Ji Chen, 1997, Chinese Patent Medicine
·[133] - Will MacLean, 2000, The Clinical Manual of Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines
·[134] - Eric Brand, 2010, A Clinician's Guide to Using Granule Extracts
·[135] - Bob Flaws, 1999, 160 Essential Chinese Herbal Patent Formulae
·[201] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1997, Eight Extraordinary Meridians,
·[202] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1999, Essence Spirit Blood and Qi
·[203] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2003, The Extraordinary Fu
·[204] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1995, Rooted in Spirit: The Heart of Chinese Medicine
·[205] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1996, Secret Treatise of the Spiritual Orchid
·[206] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1996, The Seven Emotions:Psychology and Health in Ancient China
·[207] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1986, Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine
·[208] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2006, A Study of Qi in Classical Texts,
·[209] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2006, Yin Yang in Classical Texts,
·[210] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2007, The Essential Woman: Female Health and Fertility in Chinese Classical Texts,
·[211] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2007, Pregnancy and Gestation in Chinese classical texts
·[212] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2009, Wu Xing: the Five Elements in Classical Chinese Text
·[213] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2010, JING SHEN: A translation of Huainanzi chapter 7

PONIŻEJ CZEŚC TESTOWA - proszę nie uzywać :-)

1 [1] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1991, The Heart
2 [2] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1992, Heart Master & Triple Heater
3 [3] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1987, The Kidneys
4 [4] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1999, The Liver
5 [5] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2001, The Lung
6 [6] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2004, Spleen and Stomach
7 [7] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1994. Way of Heaven: Su Wen 1, 2
9 [9] - Angela Drees, 2010, Odchudzanie według chińskiej nauki o  żywieniu
10 [10] - Krystyna Alagor, 2000, Medycyna chińska (mechanizm otyłości)
11 [11] - Jana Arcimovičová, 2004, Čínská medicína pod pokličkou
12 [12] - Manuela Heider de Jahnsen, 2009, Čínská medicína prevence a  léčení stravou
13 [13] - G. Guillame, Mach-Chieu, J.M. Eysallet, 1995, Medycyna Chińska
14 [14] - Joerg Kastner, 2009, Chinese Nutrition Therapy: Dietetics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
15 [15] - Bob Flaws, Honora Wolf, 1985, Prince Wen Hui's Cook: Chinese Dietary Therapy
16 [16] - Bob Flaws, 1999, The Tao of Healthy Eating: Dietary Wisdom According to Traditional Chinese Medicine
17 [17] - Claude Diolosa, Marek Kalmus, 1990, Chiny, kuchnia… tajemnice medycyny
18 [18] - Paul Pitchford, 2008, Odżywianie dla zdrowia
19 [19] - Maoshing Ni, Cathy McNease, 1999, Tao Żywienia
20 [20] - Liu Jilin, Gordon Peck, 1995, Chinese Dietary Therapy
21 [21] - Barbara Temelie, Beatrice Trebuth, 2005, Odżywianie według Pięciu Przemian
22 [22] - Barbara Temelie, Beatrice Trebuth, 2005, Gotowanie według Pięciu Przemian
23 [23] - Barbara Temelie, Beatrice Trebuth. 2005, Odżywianie według Pięciu Przemian dla matki i  dziecka
24 [24] - Karola Schneider-Waldner, 2005, Zupy wzmacniające według Pięciu Przemian
25 [25] - Ewa Dobek, 2010, 5 Przemian w  kuchni i  w życiu. Radość gotowania - kosmetyki domowej roboty
26 [26] - Barbara Kuligowska-Dudek, 2010, Dieta długowieczności. Gotowanie według pięciu przemian
31 [31] - Dan Bensky, Steven Clavey, Erich Stoger, 2004, Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica
32 [32] - Eric Brand, Nigel Wiseman, 2008, Concise Chinese Materia Medica
33 [33] - Jeremy Ross, 2010, A  Clinical Materia Medica. 120 Herbs in Western Use
34 [34] - Jeremy Ross, 2003, Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine
35 [35] - Zhu Liu, Zhu Zhong-bao, 2006, Chinese Herbal Legends 50 stories
36 [36] - Xu Li, 2002, Chinese Materia Medica, Combinations and Applications
39 [39] - Li Shi Zhen, Xi Wen Luo, 2004, Compendium of Materia Medica (BenCao GangMu). Six Vol. Set
40 [40] - Yifan Yang MD, 2002, Chinese Herbal Medicines: Comparisons & Characteristics
41 [41] - 1998, Chinese Materia Medica
42 [42] - Li Xing-guang, Lara Deasy, 2010, Chinese Materia Medica Flash Cards
43 [43] - John Chen, Tina Chen, 2004, Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology
44 [44] - Michael Tierra, Leslie Tierra, 1998, Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine (Two Volume Set)
45 [45] - C. Song Yu, Li Fei, 1993, Clinical Guide to Chinese Herbs & Formulae
46 [46] - Yan Wen-mei, Li Fang-yao, 2006, Clinical Guide to Identifying Chinese Medicinal Herbs
47 [47] - Dafang Zeng, 2003, Essentials of Chinese Medicine:Materia Medica
48 [48] - Him Che-Yeung, 1983, Handbook of Chinese Herbs, Vol. 1
49 [49] - Qian Xin-Zhong, 2008, Illustrated Atlas of the Commonly Used Chinese Materia Medica
50 [50] - Jing-Nuan Wu, 2002, Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica
51 [51] - Yen Kun-Ying, 1993, Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica: Crude & Prepared Drugs
52 [52] - Mark Wright, 2004, Introduction to Chinese Herbal Medicine ( Chinese Umbeliferae)
53 [53] - Peter Holmes, 1997, Jade Remedies: Chinese Herbal Reference for the West (Vol 1 & 2)
54 [54] - Carl Hempen, 2009, Materia Medica For Chinese Medicine
55 [55] - Zong Lan Xu, 2000, Pocket Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine
60 [60] - Peter Deadman, Mazin Al-Khafaji, Kevin Baker, 2007, A  Manual of Acupuncture
61 [61] - Andrew Ellis, Nigel Wiseman, 2004, Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture
62 [62] - Andrew Ellis, Nigel Wiseman, 1989, Grasping the Wind, the Meaning of Chinese Acupuncture points.
63 [63] - Carl Hempen, V. Wortman Chow, 2006, Pocket Atlas of Acupuncture
64 [64] - Bob Flaws, 1990, Sticking to the point
65 [65] - Julian Scott, 2005, Acupuncture for the Eyes
66 [66] - Jeremy Ross, 1995, Acupuncture Point Combinations: The Key to Clinical Success
67 [67] - Arnie Lade, 1989, Acupuncture Points:Images & Functions
68 [68] - Jason Robertson, 2008, Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine: Wang Ju-Yi’s Lectures on Channel Therapeutics
69 [69] - Skya Gardner-Abbate, 1996, Holding the Tiger's Tail: An Acupuncture Techniques Manual in the Treatment of Disease
101 [101] - Volker Scheid, Dan Bensky, Andrew Ellis, Randall Barolet, 2009, Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies
102 [102] - John Chen, Tina Chen, 2008, Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications
103 [103] - Yifan Young, 2010, Chinese Herbal Formulas: Treatment Principles and Composition Strategies
104 [104] - Zheng Wei-da, 2010, Clinical Applications of Eight Essential Classical Formulae
105 [105] - Hong-Yen Hsu, Chau-Shin Hsu, 1980, Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas. Two volume set.
106 [106] - Hong Yen Hsu, 1997, Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas: Companion Handbook
107 [107] - Philippe Sionneau, Bernard Cote, 1997, Dui Yao: The Art of Combining Chinese Medicinals
108 [108] - Daniel Weber, Wang Jing, 2009, Dui Yao: The Art of Formula Construction
109 [109] - Zhanwen Liu, Jiang Yunan, 1998, Formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine
110 [110] - Andrew Ellis, 2003, Notes from South Mountain: A  Guide to Concentrated Herb Granules
111 [111] - Zong Lan Xu, 2001, Pocket Handbook of Chinese Herbal Prescriptions
112 [112] - Bob Flaws, 1997, 70 Essential TCM Formulas for Beginners ( How to Write Prescriptions)
121 [121] - Dagmar Elhing, 2002, Chinese Herbalist's Handbook
122 [122] - Liu Ganzhong, 2003, Essentials of Traditional Herbal Medicine
130 [130] - Anna Czelej, 2010, Magia Zmian. Harmonia w  życiu według chińskiej filozofii przyrody i  Ksiegi Przemian
131 [131] - Jake Fratkin, 2001, Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines. A  Clinical Desk Reference
132 [132] - Ke Ji Chen, 1997, Chinese Patent Medicine
133 [133] - Will MacLean, 2000, The Clinical Manual of Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines
134 [134] - Eric Brand, 2010, A  Clinician's Guide to Using Granule Extracts
135 [135] - Bob Flaws, 1999, 160 Essential Chinese Herbal Patent Formulae
201 [201] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1997, Eight Extraordinary Meridians,
202 [202] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1999, Essence Spirit Blood and Qi
203 [203] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2003, The Extraordinary Fu
204 [204] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee,
1995, Rooted in Spirit: The Heart of Chinese Medicine
205 [205] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1996, Secret Treatise of the Spiritual Orchid
206 [206] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1996, The Seven Emotions:Psychology and Health in Ancient China
207 [207] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 1986, Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine
208 [208] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2006, A  Study of Qi in Classical Texts,
209 [209] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2006, Yin Yang in Classical Texts,
210 [210] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2007, The Essential Woman: Female Health and Fertility in Chinese Classical Texts,
211 [211] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2007, Pregnancy and Gestation in Chinese classical texts
212 [212] - Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2009, Wu Xing: the Five Elements in Classical Chinese Text
213 [213] - Claude Larre, Elizabeth Rochat de la Vallee, 2010, JING SHEN: A  translation of Huainanzi chapter 7

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